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Who we are?

We are 4 volunteers in Hungary from different countries and we want share with all of you our wonderful experience. We are Vasek and Misa from Czech Republic, Max from France and Jessica from Spain.

We work in two allied organizations called The Artists of Life Association (Életművész Ifjúsági Egyesület) and Open Space Association (Szabad Tér Egyesület).

ARTIST OF LIFE Életművész Ifjúsági Egyesület is a young and enthusiastic organisation actively taking part in local, regional (the region of Lake Velencei) and international youth work. Our basic principle is to give space, create opportunities and support young people with different social and cultural backgrounds in realizing their ideas, develop their talents in several fields and open their perspectives by realizing mentor and coach programs, building a supporting, inspiring community and discovering new local and international opportunities. Therefore we look for cooperation and work on building networks with different non-governmental and governmental, profit and non-profit organisations. We organise different activities e.g. sport days, art workshops, events connected with the music, dances and gastronomy of different cultures, tea afternoons, festivals, trainings for youth workers, volunteers and professionals. An important part of our work is to support children and young people with less opportunities or living under state care, helping their integration into the local community. We would like to raise awareness for democracy, history, environmental issues and the importance of recycling – we would like to create and opened, eco-conscious and creative community with many personal connections, friendships. The staff of the organisation is composed of many volunteers (teachers, youth workers, leaders, who work on different levels in the association.

OPEN SPACE ASSOCIATION Szabad Tér Egyesület is an association with professional youth worker members and enthusiastic volunteers, located in Székesfehérvár, Hungary. We are Eurodesk partners so thus a promoter of Youth in Action (YiA) programme. We are also an EVS sending, hosting and coordinating organization.
Our activities:
Our main programs are organizing integrated sport events for disabled and non-disabled people; making seminars and trainings in national and international levels as well, organizing and taking part in international youth exchange programs, etc. What is really important for us: always involve people with fewer opportunities. Their mission is promotion of the social equality of people with fewer opportunities; Protection of the human and civil rights; Social activities; family support; Child and youth protection; Promotion of the employment of people who would like to return to the labour market; Health care prevention and rehabilitation; giving information; Environmental education; Education and coaching; development of abilities; disseminate knowledge; Nature and environmental protection; Scientific activity, research; Cultural activity; Promotion of Sport and Promotion of the European integration

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