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Strange things happens in Hungary (CHAPTER ONE)

In our hungarian life Parno Graszt is a very important music band. We play their music in our exchanges or trainnings; we listen to their songs at our parties and we love their style. This band is formed by a gipsy family, who play traticional and new songs. Thanks to them, we have known more about Hungary`s culture and traditions.

Our story with them started when we met the singer, József Olá, at a film club. He was very kind with us and he invited us to his little village, called Paszab, it is located in eastern Hungary, near to Ukraine.

So, last weekend, friday 8th and saturday 9th of April, we visited them we spent a really nice time with Parno Graszt. We were living with them in their house, we got to know their life, we dance with them, we play with them and we went to see them play in a concert in Budapest. Here are some pictures about our great time. I hope you enjoy them just like we did.

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